January 5, 2023 • Program Highlights

Thank You, Governor Baker!

FKO extends our sincere gratitude to Governor Baker for his leadership over the last eight years. Thank you for your commitment to high-quality early education and care for children, families, educators, and communities. Your work with the expansion of the Commonwealth Cares for Children(C3) stabilization grants helped sustain child care providers and enabled families to find care. Due in part to these funds, FKO was able to launch our full-time group leader apprenticeship model program. You have left your #heartprint on thousands of children across the commonwealth and we cannot thank you enough! 

“Quality and affordable child care is critical for Massachusetts families, and this rate increase will provide families more accessible options for quality child care in the communities where they live and work.” – Governor Baker

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musical playground

Musical Playground

Thank you to our amazing partner, Boston Landmark Orchestra, for bringing your Musical Playground to FKO Everett! What an incredible opportunity it was for the children to learn from professional musicians how to play real instruments of the orchestra.

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