October 16, 2020 • Program Highlights

Great News!!

FKO has formed a new partnership with Neighborhood Villages and the Notre Dame Mission Volunteers AmeriCorp to provide FKO with TWENTY full-time AmeriCorp members to assist with our CONNECTed Care remote learning and Afterschool programs! These members will be assisting staff with maximizing outdoor time during school learning breaks, giving more hands-on attention during remote learning, and serving as mentors to children in our programs. All staff are encouraged to spread the word to people who may be interested in applying to be one of these AmeriCorp members.

See link here: https://my.americorps.gov/mp/listing/viewListing.do?fromSearch=true&id=99289

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musical playground

Musical Playground

Thank you to our amazing partner, Boston Landmark Orchestra, for bringing your Musical Playground to FKO Everett! What an incredible opportunity it was for the children to learn from professional musicians how to play real instruments of the orchestra.

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